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Registered: Dec 2004
Location: Pennsylvania
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Gr Nt. Ch. (3), Seven time World Qualifier, #2 on the Reproducers List

It is difficult to find a WINNER. Its even more difficult to find a REPRODUCER. And its almost impossible to find a WINNER that is a REPRODUCER.
Leon is # 1 on UKC's Current Producer's List!!!!!
Gr Nt. Ch. (3) Leon's Darkside is a WINNER/REPRODUCER!!!
2014 & 2015...Top 100 winner at the UKC World Championship!
Qualified for the UKC World Championship SEVEN times(YEARS)!
2020 UKC Performance Sire!
2013...Leon (As a two/three Year Old) won six out of seven Nt. Ch. Casts to become a Gr. Nt. Ch.
2013...Qualified for the 2013 UKC World Championship with a 4th at a UKC RQE in Meadville, Pa.
2013...High Scoring Gr. Nt. Ch. at Eckhart Mines Md.; Tri-State CHA. BBCHA sectional on 10-05-13.
2013...Leon also won multiple GR. Nt. Ch. casts.
2013...Cambria Coon Hunters Association "2013 CCHA Coon Hound of the Year"!
2014...Gr. Nt. Ch. Cast Winner at BBCHA Spring Hunt Ashland Ohio.
2014...High Scoring Gr. Nt. Ch. at the BBOA Pennsylvania Sate Championship!
2014...Qualified for 2014 UKC World Championship on 5/24/2014 at Eckhart Maryland, Tri-State CHA Inc.
2014...Double Cast Winner at UKC World Championship Zone 3 Blairsville, Pennsylvania.
2014...Top 100 winner at the UKC World Championship!
2014 Top 10 Bluetick in the Purina Outstanding Coonhound Race!
2015 Little Mountain Music Championship Hunt Gr. Nt. Ch. Winner and High Scoring Bluetick, Blairsville, Pa.!
2015 won 1st place and High Scoring dog and Qualified for the UKC World Championship at an RQE on 5/30/2015 at Eckhart Maryland, Tri-State CHA Inc.
2015...Brianna (14 years old) took 2nd place with Gr. Nt. Ch. Leon's Darkside at the the Pennsylvania State Youth Championship hunt on 06-27-15 held at Laurelville Pa .
2015...King of Hunt, High Scoring Gr. Nt. Ch., High Scoring Dog at Cambria Coon Hunter's Association on 07-11-15.
2015...Autumn Oaks Gr. Nt. Ch. Cast Winner in Richmond Indiana on 09-04-15.
2015...Double Cast Winner at UKC World Championship Zone 3 Meadville, Pennsylvania on 09-18-15.
2015...Top 100 winner at the UKC World Championship!
2015...BBOA Zone 2 Championship Winner, High Scoring Dog, King of Hunt, High Scoring Gr. Nt. Ch., South Fork, Pa. 10-17-15.
2015 Top 10 Bluetick in the Purina Outstanding Coonhound Race!
2016...Won 7th place and Qualified for the UKC World Championship at an RQE on 4/21/2016 at Portland, Indiana.
2016...BBOA Pennsylvania State Champion! High Scoring Dog, King of Hunt, High Scoring Gr. Nt. Ch., Martinsburg, Pa. 04-30-16.
2016....Pennsylvania State Championship, 2016 Pennsylvania State Reserve Champion, High Scoring Gr. Nt. Ch., High Scoring Bluetick, 05/21/2016, Laurelville; Pennsylvania.
2016....Qualified for the Purina National Championship.
2017...Won 1st place and High Scoring dog and Qualified for the UKC World Championship at an RQE on 4/22/2017 at Beaver Falls Pennsylvania, Beaver County CHA.
2017.... Little Mountain Music Championship Hunt, Gr. Nt. Ch. Winner and High Scoring Bluetick, Blairsville, Pa. on May 13, 2017!
2017...Brianna (16 years old) won 1st place and high scoring dog with Gr. Nt. Ch. Leon's Darkside at the Pennsylvania State Youth Championship hunt on 06-24-17 held at Laurelville Pa.
2017...Brianna (16 years old) took 1st place and high scoring dog and King of Hunt with Gr. Nt. Ch. Leon's Darkside at the BBOA National Youth Championship for Zone 2 hunt at Laurelville Pa.
2017...Mini-Slam Cast Winner in Richmond, Indiana on 08-31-17.
2017...Autumn Oaks Gr. Nt. Ch. Cast Winner in Richmond, Indiana on 09-01-17.
2017...Brianna won high scoring Gr. Nt. Ch. at the TCCH Pink Hunt in New Philadelphia, Ohio on 10-21-2017.
2017...Brianna won the final four Cast, high scoring dog of hunt, and overall winner at the TCCH Pink Hunt in New Philadelphia, Ohio on 10-21-2017.
2017...CHKC Pennsylvania Fall Brawl Final Four Split Winner at Clearfield County CHA Mahaffey, Pa., Thursday,Nov 2, 2017.
2017...CHKC Pennsylvania Fall Brawl cast winner and 2nd Place Final Four at Clearfield County CHA Mahaffey, Pa., Friday, Nov 3, 2017.
2017...CHKC Pennsylvania Fall Brawl cast winner and 2nd Place Final Four at Clearfield County CHA Mahaffey, Pa., Saturday, Nov 4, 2017.
2018...Won 6th place and Qualified for the UKC World Championship at an RQE on 4/14/2018 at Brave Pennsylvania, Greene County CHA.
2018....Pennsylvania State Championship, Gr. Nt. Ch. Cast Winner, 05/19/2018, Blairsville; Pennsylvania.
2018...High Scoring dog Friday night at Zone 3 of the UKC World Championship.
2019...8th Place Hunt Winner on Friday at the BBCHA Bluetick Spring Hunt at Ashland County Coonhunters Association in Ashland, Ohio.
2020...Won 1st place and Qualified for the UKC World Championship at an RQE on 03/14/2020 at Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, Tri-State CHA
......................................................GrNtGrChLevi'sNo.Blue Bingo
......................Gr. Nt. Ch. (3) Leon's Darkside
Stud Fee on Gr. Nt. Ch. (3) Leon's Darkside is $400.
If you want to see a very nice bluetick coonhound, come for a hunt with Leon. If you would like to hunt with one of his puppies, we can do that too!!
(814) 243-6370
Last edited by TAG on 10-13-2020 at 05:22 PM
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