UKC Forum Member
Registered: Jun 2006
Location: indiana
Posts: 6629 |
Thank God we got some rain here....
Your young dog ready to run with the big dogs this kill season?Bring me the good ones.
quote: Originally posted by tylerman
I may release more coon in a day or 2 then some dogs will see a week or month...good tracks is what gets em going and builds confindence,,,if its in em.They still have to track and tree what they cant see....but BYOC-bring your own coon-gives em a chance to do so.You would think these woods would be full around here but they travel some.Complaint coon.If I didnt cut em they would be killed.I just hate that.

Neon Red Kennels-You pick the woods, red will pick the tree.
**We can START your puppy**
The natural quick starters make us all look good while others require a little more patience and effort. Whatever it takes to get your pup started, that's what I'm gonna do.
Call for reservations or references.
Camden Indiana
Mark-thanks for the ZEPPS
NT CH. CH. PR NEON RED FIRM FANNY -(gr.nt.ch grch Hard Rock/ntch snakeden hollow Jane)
NT CH PR COLLINS NEON RED DOC DA QUEENY -grch ntch desperado/queen
NTCH PR Rocky Top Neon Red Cayenne-grntch peels burning pepper/dykes tn. red autumn
NTCH pr Mosquito Creek Faith-grntch squeller/mosquito creek red rose
NTCH pr Neon Red Barnyard Hot Tody....grntch harry x grntch toadie
NTCH pr Peels Neon Red Nuclear Pepper
Neon Red Stump...Grntch barnyard horse Harry x Ntch rockytop neon red Cayenne
Neon Red Blood ...grntch barnyard gun
Neon Red Doc Tody...ntch yellow river doc x ntch neon red hot tody
Newby...ntch 3D x Ntch rockytop neon red Cayenne
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