Majestic Tree H
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FCI-Standard N° 21/ 03. 10. 1996 / GB
(Grand Gascon Saintongeois)
TRANSLATION : Mrs. Peggy Davis.
ORIGIN : France.
UTILIZATION : Scenthound used for shooting (driving game to waiting guns), and sometimes for coursing, (persuing big game to death) but also hare hunting, generally in a pack or individually as tracking hound.
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 6 Scenthounds.
Section 1.1 Large-sized Hounds.
With working trial.
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : In the middle of the 19th century, the Count Joseph de Carayon-Latour wanting to regenerate the declining breed of the Hound of Saintonge, crossed the last descendants with the Bleu de Gascogne of the Baron de Ruble, thus creating the Gascon Saintongeois, but causing the disappearance of the Hound of Saintonge.
GENERAL APPEARANCE : Very well constructed dog, giving at once an impression of strength and elegance. Very French in type when it comes to the head, the coat and the expression.
Behaviour : Pre-eminently «Chien d'ordre» (pack hound), fine nose, enterprising, endowed with a very sonorous voice. Instinctively a pack hound.
Temperament : Calm; obeys orders easily.
Skull : Seen from the front, domed and rather narrow; the occipital protuberance is well marked; seen from above, the back of the skull is of pronounced ogival shape.
Stop : Only slightly accentuated.
Nose : Black; well developed; nostrils well opened.
Muzzle : Of equal length to that of the skull; strong nasal bridge, slightly arched.
Lips : Just covering the lower jaw; corner of the lips discreet.
Jaws/Teeth : Scissor bite. Incisors well set square to the jaws.
Cheeks : Lean.
Eyes : Oval shape; brown. Gentle and trusting expression.
Leathers : They are fine, well curled in and should, at least, reach the end of the nose; set on below the eye level and attached rather backwards, leaving the skull free.
NECK : Of medium length and thickness. Slightly arched; very slight dewlap.
Back : Very firm, without excess in the length.
Loin : Slightly arched, quite muscular.
Croup : Of good width, rather horizontal.
Chest : Broad, long; let down to elbow level. Forechest quite broad. Ribs slightly rounded and long.
Flank : Quite long, slightly tucked up.
TAIL : Well set on; tapering well to the tip, reaching the point of the hock. Carried elegantly, sabre blade style.
View of the ensemble : Powerful.
Shoulder : Quite long, muscular; moderately oblique.
Elbow : Close to body.
Forearm : Strong bone structure.
View of the ensemble : Well proportioned.
Upper thigh : Long and well muscled.
Hock : Broad, slightly bent; well let down.
FEET : Slightly elongated oval, toes lean and tight. Pads and nails black.
GAIT / MOVEMENT : Regular and easy.
SKIN : Supple and not too thick. White with black patches. Mucous membranes (hairless zones) black.
HAIR : Short and dense.
COLOUR : The basic colour is white marked with black patches, sometimes speckled. Two black patches are generally placed at either side of the head, covering the leathers, surrounding the eyes and stopping at the cheeks. The cheeks are tan in colour, preferably pale. Two characteristic tan markings placed above the superciliary arches give a «quatroeillé» appearance. We also find traces of tan on the inner face of the leathers and in speckles along the legs. Some fawn hairs may appear on the upper part of the leather without however giving the head a tricolour appearance. Sometimes there is at the base of the upper thigh a typical dead-leaf brown marking called «roe buck mark» (colour roe buck).
Height at the withers : Males : 65 to 72 cm.
Females : 62 to 68 cm.
FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
Lack of substance.
Bone structure insufficiently developed.
Head short.
Skull broad.
Leathers short, high set.
Slack (soft) back.
Drooping croup.
Deviated tail.
Shoulder too sloping or too straight.
Cow hocks, seen from behind.
Splayed feet.
Absence of tan markings.
Timid subject.
Frightened or aggressive subject.
Lack of type.
Serious anatomical malformation.
Visible disabling (invalidating) defect.
Over- or undershot mouth.
Light eyes.
Any other coat than that indicated in the standard.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
Steve Morrow "Saltlick Majestic's"
"Never Have Hounds Or Kids And You Won't Get Your Heart Broke"!!
PR, Saltlick's Blue Misty Linga "Bluetick Coonhound"
French X American Hounds
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