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UKC Forums (http://forums.ukcdogs.com/index.php)
- Dog Supply Vendors (http://forums.ukcdogs.com/forumdisplay.php?forumid=40)
-- Zepp Coon Squaller (http://forums.ukcdogs.com/showthread.php?threadid=928557256)
Zepp's Coon Squallers
We make some DANDY coon squallers and have been doing it for decades! The top selling brand in the industry is available at www.MarkZepp.com and many dealers throughout the country. Thank you for your business over the last 20+ years.
Mark Zepp
Last of the garden this week....it is good to have the fall here and hunting season right around the corner. Our Lifetime Coon Squaller is a "goodun" with a great sound, three reeds, lifetime warranty and lots of colors to pick from for $30.00. Lanyard included.
Our Payoff Coon Squaller is made of acrylic, premium materials, four different laser engravings and you can easily change the reeds if need be. Lanyard included. Available at www.MarkZepp.com for $60.00
Mark Zepp
Our acrylic Payoff is a great squaller! Available at www.MarkZepp.com.
Mark Zepp
The #1 seller and a great sounding squaller available at www.MarkZepp.com. Lanyard included. Only $30
Mark Zepp
Great sound, price and a color for everybody!! Available at www.MarkZepp.com for $30.00. Lanyard included.
Mark Zepp
Our triple reeded Lifetime Coon Squaller is great sounding, comes with a lanyard and is guaranteed for a lifetime. Available at www.MarkZepp.com
Mark Zepp
Zepp's Lifetime Coon Squaller - Great sound and a color for everybody! Lanyard included, only $30.00
Mark Zepp
I ordered a set of reeds for my old Mity Max caller from Mr. Zepp a few weeks ago. The Zepp Squaller reeds fit perfectly and sound great! Good price and quick shipping to boot!
"The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." Norman Thomas, (1884-1968)
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