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Posted by LSimonsen on 01-10-2013 06:27 PM:

NOTICE: Sole Signatory Registration - Beginning April 15, 2013

News Release: UKC Announces Changes in Co-Ownership Registration to begin April 15, 2013

For more information, contact Angela Smith,[/email] or Tanya Raab; [email]

Sole Signatory Registration will continue to be optional, if received by UKC on or before April 14, 2013. Beginning April 15, 2013, the Sole Signatory Registration will be mandatory, and a Sole Signatory will then be required for all Litter Registrations and Permanently Registered dogs registered to more than one individual. Any “and/or” partnerships established prior to April 15, 2013, will remain in effect and will continue to hold true for that dog until said dog’s UKC Registration Record is changed.

KALAMAZOO, MI, January 8, 2013 – In an effort to accommodate current ownership trends, and at the request of many of our customers, the United Kennel Club has decided that the current Co-Ownership Registration will be phased out in the coming months and replaced with a Sole Signatory Registration, allowing four owners total. This was made available to UKC Owners/Registrants beginning on March 15, 2012. The Sole Signatory Registration will be available to Owners/Registrants, on an optional, voluntary basis, and has been extended to April 14, 2013.
Beginning April 15, 2013, the Sole Signatory Registration be will mandatory, and a Sole Signatory will then be required for all Litter Registrations and Permanently Registered dogs registered to more than one individual with United Kennel Club.
The current Co-Owner/Co-Registrant Registration options of an "and" or an "or" partnership will no longer be available for new registrations or transfers after April 14, 2013. Dogs that are Co-owned and registered under the current Co-Ownership Registration on or before April 14, 2013 will not be required to change to the new Sole Signatory Registration but may chose to do so.
The current two-Owner/Registrant limit will be increased to allow a maximum of four Owners/Registrants; and the owning partners will designate only one owner as the Sole Signatory. The Sole Signatory will be the only owner required, and authorized, to sign any UKC Registration documents and papers associated with the dog, meaning that the Sole Signatory will represent all other Owners/Registrants in any Registration transactions with UKC regarding the dog. This new Sole Signatory Registration policy will alleviate the need to obtain more than one signature on any UKC Registration Documents. Further, it will expedite the turnaround time on papers and allow additional Owners/Registrants to be listed on UKC Registration Certificates, UKC degrees, and UKC advertisements.
UKC understands there will be questions about the details of this registration change and have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions below for our customers to reference.

Established in 1898, the United Kennel Club is the largest all-breed performance-dog registry in the world, registering dogs from all 50 states and 25 foreign countries. More than 60 percent of its 15,000 annually licensed events are tests of hunting ability, training, and instinct. UNITED KENNEL CLUB prides itself on its family-oriented, friendly, educational events. To find out more about registration and events, call or visit our website. Phone: (269) 343-9020; Fax: (269) 343-7037;

FAQs for UKC Sole Signatory Registration
Q: What is a Sole Signatory and what is the reason for this change?
A: A Sole Signatory is the individual who is responsible for signing all UKC Registration documents pertinent to an individual dog. Only the Sole Signatory’s signature will be accepted for all UKC Registration documents, including but not limited to, transfers, litter registrations, address changes, DNA profiling, and duplicate applications pertaining to said dog. Up to three additional Registrants/Successors may be listed on a UKC Registration document for said dog. Persons listed as Successors will be listed on the UKC Registration documents as part Owner/Registrant, but will not be authorized to sign any UKC Registration documents, including but not limited to, transfers, litter registrations, address changes, DNA profiling, and duplicate applications pertaining to said dog. These individuals should be listed in succession. In the event of the death of, incapacitation of, or other circumstances that would require the removal of the listed Sole Signatory, the first successor will become the official Sole Signatory.

This addresses issues involving Co-Ownership/Co-Registration that create delays for the registration of innumerable dogs at UKC.

For example, if a sire’s Co-Owner/Co-Registrant has moved or can’t be located, the Litter Registration is delayed until that person can be found to sign the Litter Registration Application. Another example, an innocent person buys a pup from a litter of eight from a good breeder in good faith. This honest breeder bred the litter thinking he’d have all the required signatures before the litter was born. However, since the sire’s Co-Owner/Co-Registrant cannot be located or refuses to sign the application, eight people are stuck with pups without papers until the problem is resolved. Problems and delays can also occur when one Co-Owner/Co-Registrant sends papers to the other Co-Owner/Co-Registrant for a signature and they simply are incorrectly addressed, or lost or misplaced. These situations happen on a regular basis and delay the registration process.

Dog Owners/Registrants should take caution and understand that they enter into multiple-Owner/Registrant partnerships at their own risk. Partnership agreements are between partners, and as UKC is not a party to the agreement nor an arbiter of the agreement, UKC cannot become involved in partner disputes. The Sole Signatory chosen will be the only individual able to sign off on any Registration Documents, including but not limited to, transfers, litter registrations, address changes, DNA profiling, and duplicate applications pertaining to said dog. Any partnership disputes or actions taken by the Sole Signatory not agreed to by all Partners/Registrants must be resolved by the partners, in a court of law, or through alternative dispute resolution, NOT by UKC.

Q: Will there be an additional fee per Owner/Registrant (also referred to as Successor)?
A: No, there is no price increase whatsoever for Sole Signatory Registration. The regular registration fees will apply regardless of the number of Owners/Registrants.

Q: If I currently have a dog registered in an “and” partnership, will both Owners/Registrants still be required to sign the registration documents?
- Any “and/or” partnerships established prior to April 15, 2013, will remain in effect and will continue to hold true for that dog until said dog’s UKC Registration record is changed.
- If a dog has an established partnership, the word “and” or “or” will appear between the two Co-Owners/Co-Registrants names.
- If a dog has more than two Owners/Registrants, or a “,” (comma) separates the Owner/Registrant names, the dog is registered with a designated Sole Signatory.

Q: Will this affect dogs owned by a single Owner/Registrant?
A: No, the Sole Signatory Registration only applies to dogs owned by more than one Owner/Registrant.

Q: How many people can we list as an Owner/Registrant on a dog’s record?
A: Sole Signatory Registration extends the current maximum of two Owners/Registrants to allow up to four Owners/Registrants per dog; of which, when applicable, the Sole Signatory and a maximum of 3 additional Owners/Registrants will appear on the dog’s UKC Registration Certificate and UKC Easy Entry Card.

Q: How do we determine who will be the Sole Signatory of a dog?
A: The Sole Signatory is determined by the individuals listed as the Owners/Registrants on each individual UKC dog Registration Record and is in no way determined or mediated by UKC. All parties involved will be required to sign a Sole Signatory Designation Form, on which they will consent their agreement of their chosen Sole Signatory. The Sole Signatory’s name will be printed first on the dog’s UKC Registration Certificate and UKC Easy Entry Card.

Q: Can I maintain my current partnership status and add another Owner/Registrant?
A: No, if a third or fourth Owner/Registrant is added to the dog’s UKC Registration record, the Sole Signatory Registration will apply. If the dog’s UKC Registration Record is changed in any way from the current Registration Record, the Sole Signatory Registration will apply. The old partnership status will be void and a Sole Signatory must be assigned.

Q: When will it be required to follow the Sole Signatory Registration?
A: Beginning April 15, 2013. Sole Signatory Registration will continue to be optional, if received by UKC on or before April 14, 2013. Beginning April 15, 2013, the Sole Signatory Registration will be mandatory, and a Sole Signatory will then be required for all Litter Registrations and Permanently Registered dogs registered to more than one individual. Any “and/or” partnerships established prior to April 15, 2013, will remain in effect and will continue to hold true for that dog until said dog’s UKC Registration Record is changed.

Q: Will all Owners/Registrants names appear on the UKC Registration papers, in advertisements and degrees?
A: Yes, all Owners/Registrants names will appear, when applicable, wherever the current Owners/Registrants names appear in regards to UKC Registration Documents, UKC Advertisements, and UKC Degrees.

Q: Will a Sole Signatory be required to register a litter?
A: Yes, a Sole Signatory must be designated for every UKC Litter Registration Application submitted on or after April 15, 2013 if the litter is being registered to more than one individual. A Sole Signatory Designation form must accompany the UKC Litter Registration Application to prevent any processing delays. This form can be downloaded at or by contacting the Registration Department at UKC. The Sole Signatory will be responsible for signing off the Applications for Permanent Registrations, or more commonly referred to as the “puppy papers” to the new Owners/Registrants.

Q: What if I want to directly transfer a puppy off the UKC Litter Registration Application to multiple Owners/Registrants?
A: The new Owners/Registrants of that puppy will need to complete a Sole Signatory Designation Form. The Sole Signatory Designation Form will need to be mailed to UKC with the Litter Registration Application to avoid any delays for the new Owners/Registrants of the puppy. A Sole Signatory Designation Form must be completed for each dog that will be registered in more than one individual’s name. This form can be downloaded at or by contacting the Registration Department at UKC.

Q: How will Sole Signatory Registration affect the Performance Payout checks?
A: Payout checks issued for dogs with any “and/or” partnerships will be made out in both the Owner’s/Registrant’s names. Payout checks issued for dogs registered with a Sole Signatory will be made out in the name of the Sole Signatory only.

Q: How will Sole Signatory Registration affect the Beagle Incentive Fund Payout checks?
A: Payout checks issued for dogs with any “and/or” partnerships will be made out in both the Owner’s/Registrant’s names. Payout checks issued for dogs registered with a Sole Signatory will be made out in the name of the Sole Signatory only.

Q: Is the Sole Signatory the only one that can fill out UKC Event Entry Forms?
A: No, the Sole Signatory is strictly responsible for the UKC Registration Documents of the dog. Successors are able to fill out UKC Entry Forms and participate in UKC Events.

Q. What happens if the Sole Signatory passes away?
A: In the event of the death of the Sole Signatory, Successor 1 will automatically replace the Sole Signatory unless legal documentation is given to UKC that provides otherwise. Successor 1 should notify UKC of the death of the Sole Signatory in writing, accompanied by a copy of the death certificate or obituary and the UKC Registration Certificate. The deceased individual’s name would then be removed and Successor 1 would become the Sole Signatory.

Sole Signatory Designation Form

To find out more about UKC registration and events, call or visit our website.
United Kennel Club, Inc. 100 E. Kilgore Rd., Kalamazoo MI 49002-5584
Phone: (269) 343-9020; Fax: (269) 343-7037;

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