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Posted by cripple creek on 02-24-2015 07:09 PM:

Wake Up!!!!! Net Neutrality

The federal govt. is getting ready to vote this Thursday to have the internet goverened by the federal govt. Its called Net Neutrality. Look it up.
It is just like Obama Care it is over 300 pages and they said the same thing...we have to pass it before we can allow you to see it. I am not making this stuff up.

you better contact your congressman and tell him if he votes for this you will personally campaign against him the next election regardless of who is running. This is the next step in our becoming a socialist state.

Guys you better get involved and vote and stay informed.

Our Freedom is passing away right before your very eyes.

They will be able to determine what search engines you use and this will funnel all of your information into one central govt site.
you will see if you take the time to research this.

Grand Champion Stevenson's "Little Bone Peep"
2016 Miss. State Gr. Show CH.
Overall Miss. State Show CH.
Grand Champion Stevenson's "Johnny Jet,"

Team Bible Thumper
Palms 18:39........You armed me with strength for battle; you made my adversaries bow at my feet!
Two questions sum up life....
Why am I here ? And Where am I headed.

Posted by cripple creek on 02-24-2015 07:21 PM:

Go to..........
and sign a petition against it. It is expected to pass in 3 days unless we raise enough stink.
You will lose control of the internet and it will be controlled and regulated by the federal Govt and will no longer be free and available as you know it today. !!!!

Grand Champion Stevenson's "Little Bone Peep"
2016 Miss. State Gr. Show CH.
Overall Miss. State Show CH.
Grand Champion Stevenson's "Johnny Jet,"

Team Bible Thumper
Palms 18:39........You armed me with strength for battle; you made my adversaries bow at my feet!
Two questions sum up life....
Why am I here ? And Where am I headed.

Posted by bobbycagle1 on 02-25-2015 03:37 AM:

Our Arkansas representatives and senators are against it. Of course, they are never for any of his laws.

Bobby Cagle,
Waldron, Arkansas
(479) 207-3789

Posted by cripple creek on 02-25-2015 04:17 AM:

proud of yall Bobby


Grand Champion Stevenson's "Little Bone Peep"
2016 Miss. State Gr. Show CH.
Overall Miss. State Show CH.
Grand Champion Stevenson's "Johnny Jet,"

Team Bible Thumper
Palms 18:39........You armed me with strength for battle; you made my adversaries bow at my feet!
Two questions sum up life....
Why am I here ? And Where am I headed.

Posted by JT_Gibbs on 02-25-2015 05:20 PM:

So, you're not for a free and open Internet ?

Posted by RANDY GIBSON on 02-26-2015 03:10 PM:

the concrete is slowing creeping upon us, another GOVERNMENT take over. We can blame obummer but it's
also the bums standing behind him!!!!!

Home of the Luke dogs!!!!
Nt.Ch.Gibson's Sunset Titan
Gibson's Sunset Maggie
Sunset Blue Ruby
Lightfoot Frostie
Sunset High Ridge Dan
Gone but not forgotten
Gr.Nt.Ch.Gibson's Sunset Luke Gibson an Bates Sunset Buck
Gibson's Katie
Gibson's Ruby

Posted by Richard Lambert on 02-26-2015 05:05 PM:

Oh my goodness.... So, you don't think that the Internet should be regulated or "controlled"? Do you actually think that everyone should just be able to post or do whatever they want on it? Or do you think that everyone is capable of regulating themselves? I guess that you think that it is all right for ISIS to recruit members on the Internet. Or maybe you think that scam artits/con men should be able to steal money on the Internet. Or maybe you think that pedophiles should be allowed to search for victims on the Internet. I don't know anything about this bill/law that is being proposed but I know from just reading the UKC website that members are not capable of "controlling" themselves on the Internet. Someone is going to have to do it. We have a Government for a reason. You might not like or agree with our current representatives policys but without some sort of "control" we would have anarchy.

Posted by JT_Gibbs on 02-26-2015 06:00 PM:

Originally posted by RANDY GIBSON
the concrete is slowing creeping upon us, another GOVERNMENT take over. We can blame obummer but it's
also the bums standing behind him!!!!!

Well, I am one of those bums. I stand behind our President just like I stood behind the last one. (I may not agree with him on everything BUT)

Do any of you understand what you are asking for?????

Some of us are old enough to remember when:
1) My phone bill was under $200 dollars. (LESS THAN $40)
2) My light bill was under $200 dollars. (LESS THAN $75)
3) My TV cable bill under $200 dollars. (LESS THAN $30)
4) My wages kept up with inflation. (HAD MORE MONEY THAN MONTH)

A long comes Ronny Reagan de-regulated everything and now it's left it up to the so-called MARKET. HOGWASH


No blocking. If a consumer (Coonhunters) requests access to a website or service, and the content is legal, your ISP should not be permitted to block it. That way, every player — not just those commercially affiliated with an ISP — gets a fair shot at your business.

No throttling. Should ISPs be able to intentionally slow down some content or speed up others — through a process often called “throttling” — based on the type of service or your ISP’s preferences. (Coonhunter not spend enough money with a certain company, slow down his or her speed)

No paid prioritization. Simply put: No service should be stuck in a “slow lane” because it does not pay a fee. That kind of gatekeeping would undermine the level playing field essential to the Internet’s growth. So, as I have before, I am asking for an explicit ban on paid prioritization and any other restriction that has a similar effect. (Coonhunter doesn't pay for the super duper $200 a month service he/she will still be able to get on the kennel club sites and talk BS OR A COONHUNTER STARTS A SMALL BUSINESS SELLING GOOD OR SERVICES USES A CHEAP ISP TO SAVE MONEY, YOU TRY TO ORDER SOMETHING FROM HIM BUT YOUR ISP DOESN'T LIKE THE CHEAP ISP AND YOU KEEP GETTING KICK OFF YOU GOING TO CONTINUE TO ORDER FROM HIM?) I don't think so.

The Internet has been one of the greatest gifts our economy and our society has ever known. The FCC was chartered to promote competition, innovation, and investment in our networks. In service of that mission, there is no higher calling than protecting an open, accessible, and FREE Internet.

Why is it that every time we let the market (Big Business) set the rules, it always cost me more money, my wages go down and the CEO's salary goes up?


Posted by RANDY GIBSON on 02-26-2015 07:03 PM:

Well, I am one of those bums. I stand behind our President just like I stood behind the last one. (I may not agree with him on everything BUT)

I'll pray for ya!!!!

Home of the Luke dogs!!!!
Nt.Ch.Gibson's Sunset Titan
Gibson's Sunset Maggie
Sunset Blue Ruby
Lightfoot Frostie
Sunset High Ridge Dan
Gone but not forgotten
Gr.Nt.Ch.Gibson's Sunset Luke Gibson an Bates Sunset Buck
Gibson's Katie
Gibson's Ruby

Posted by GA DAWG on 02-26-2015 07:44 PM:

What in the crap? Several lityle sheepy on here that cant live without big brother telling them what to do. How pitiful. It is a sure sign of where the good ol usa is headed though. Maybe yall can talk em into wipping your tail for you to. Since you seem to need them and be controlled. Its going to be worse than obama care. Count on it.

Michael Ghorley

Posted by Richard Lambert on 02-26-2015 07:49 PM:

I wonder what would happen if the government quit trying to control the banking industry? Everyone knows that we can trust Big Banking/Money Lenders to control or regulate themselves. Isn't that what the Conservatives said/did during Bush's reign.

Maybe we should also get rid of the SEC and let Wall Street regulate/control themselves. We all know that we can trust a bunch of stockbrokers.

While we are at it, we need to get rid of Obama Care. Big Insurance companys know what is best for us. The government/Medicare should just pay them whatever they want.

Yeah, our government needs to not "control" big business.....Pass me another cup of Kool Aid.

Posted by Richard Lambert on 02-26-2015 08:05 PM:

Re: Wake Up!!!!! Net Neutrality

Originally posted by cripple creek
The federal govt. is getting ready to vote this Thursday to have the internet goverened by the federal govt.

This is the next step in our becoming a socialist state.

Our Freedom is passing away right before your very eyes.

Does Net Neutrality do all of this?

Posted by JT_Gibbs on 02-26-2015 08:17 PM:

Originally posted by RANDY GIBSON
Well, I am one of those bums. I stand behind our President just like I stood behind the last one. (I may not agree with him on everything BUT)

I'll pray for ya!!!!

Please if you have children or grand children pray for them, the way this country is headed they will need it just to survive. When big business controls every thing watch out. Please do yourself a favor and READ some history books about the Robber Barons.

As far as needing the Government to wipe my butt. HAHAHA If the truth could be told! HAHAHA

When the GOP is successful in destroying every fabric of the NEW DEAL (their stated goal) you will remember the good old days.

Posted by JT_Gibbs on 02-26-2015 08:44 PM:

"becoming a socialist state. "

Sorry to inform you but that calf left the barn over a hundred years ago. Just depends on what definition you use.

Could be the millions of dollars in Corporate welfare we the taxpayers give to: Wal-Mart, Kia, Mercedes-Benz, Caterpillar, NSR, Skyline Apartments, Wells Fargo, Citi-Bank, BB&T, GM, and hundreds more.

It wasn't grandma cashing her social security check or helping feed the poor that cashed the markets in 1929 or 2008. You can thank the BANKSTERS and CEO's.

Some people never learn!

Posted by RANDY GIBSON on 02-26-2015 08:50 PM:

I do pray for my kids an grandkids, I PRAY THAT THEY WILL

Home of the Luke dogs!!!!
Nt.Ch.Gibson's Sunset Titan
Gibson's Sunset Maggie
Sunset Blue Ruby
Lightfoot Frostie
Sunset High Ridge Dan
Gone but not forgotten
Gr.Nt.Ch.Gibson's Sunset Luke Gibson an Bates Sunset Buck
Gibson's Katie
Gibson's Ruby

Posted by chuck west on 02-26-2015 09:00 PM:

Jmo, I don't want the gov. running the internet ,look what they done with the postal dept. and the 3 cent stamp !! I can live with the patriot act ,let them monitor all they want.

Gold Life member of G.P.A.A. #257936
Member of The Lost Dutchman's Mining Association #02890729

Posted by GA DAWG on 02-26-2015 09:16 PM:

God forbid anybody make any money. Why have they not took over the oil business? Give us free gas. They gonna tell us how much we can get for a cow? All puppies can only be sold for $50. Lets get the gov involved in ever part of our lives. How bout that. Insurance has worked great for many yrs. Same as internet. Ive paid for mine. What cluster its going to be when they take it over. It want be free like yall think. Somebody is gonna pay. Wait an see.

Michael Ghorley

Posted by cripple creek on 02-26-2015 09:54 PM:

Ill tell you why I dont trust the FCC

with this...many of our churchs sermons are streamed on youtube. When the FCC gets ready they can control or shut down that with calling preaching hate speach.

It is the socialists agenda to control. IT all started with a first step.
Give it time and naysayers will be eating their words.

Grand Champion Stevenson's "Little Bone Peep"
2016 Miss. State Gr. Show CH.
Overall Miss. State Show CH.
Grand Champion Stevenson's "Johnny Jet,"

Team Bible Thumper
Palms 18:39........You armed me with strength for battle; you made my adversaries bow at my feet!
Two questions sum up life....
Why am I here ? And Where am I headed.

Posted by GA DAWG on 02-26-2015 11:31 PM:

He honestly thinks hes a dictator and by gosh he pretty much is. He will just sign an executive order if stuff dont go his way. Big O net is coming one way or another. We gotta pass it before we know what's in it is what they saying again..Stupid idiots.

Michael Ghorley

Posted by chuck west on 02-27-2015 12:12 AM:


Well it was voted on today and it staying the way it is now .

Gold Life member of G.P.A.A. #257936
Member of The Lost Dutchman's Mining Association #02890729

Posted by Riverbottom Ron on 02-27-2015 03:59 AM:




Posted by JT_Gibbs on 02-27-2015 12:21 PM:

The FCC approved new net neutrality rules yesterday.

Hooray, the consumer won one for a change.

Posted by Richard Lambert on 02-27-2015 02:37 PM:

Originally posted by chuck west
Jmo, I don't want the gov. running the internet ,look what they done with the postal dept. and the 3 cent stamp !!

So, you don't think that the Postal system is working? Compare their prices and dependability to UPS or Fedex. Where would we be without the US Postal Service?

Posted by Richard Lambert on 02-27-2015 02:43 PM:

Originally posted by GA DAWG
.....Insurance has worked great for many yrs....

Oh my goodness....What country are you living in? You had better pull your head out of that sand and look around you.

The FCC has "controlled" television and radio for many years now. Have they made a mess of that. Where would we be if the FCC/Government had no control over the airwaves? Do you really think that TV and Radio should regulate themselves?

Posted by JT_Gibbs on 02-27-2015 03:19 PM:

This "Ayn Rand BS" that Government is always bad has so many people walking around talking crazy.

We have tried it for the last thirty years and it doesn't work?

All you Ayn Rand (less Gov.) followers know what she stood for?

In her world " God simply doesn’t come in the picture. He does not exist." "religion’s time has come and gone."
Ayn Rand defined, a spirituality that carries with it a potential for soaring achievements and sublime triumphs, not in some vaguely defined afterlife, but in the here and now.

GOD has a way of humbling us when we feel it's all about "THE ME"!

Yes, our Postal system (if the GOP would leave it alone) is amazing, drop a letter in a box in Georgia and two or three days later it's delivered in California or New York for under .50 cents.

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