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Posted by SnDkennels on 03-21-2023 07:47 PM:

3 Year old fully broke GSP

To no fault of his own he is available. I have hounds as well and hunting him as much as I did last year and the hounds at night wore me out. He needs to be in the home of a avid bird hunter.

The good: he is whoa broke, will sit where you tell him to, if youre hunting and walking back to the truck he will walk with you. I never put a leash on him, he dont need one. I have walked him down the main road in my town with no leash and cars driving by, yes he listens that good. He will retrieve to hand and hold the bird til you take it from him. He will hunt all day, yes I mean that. last year I guided with him and we hunted from 8am-4:30pm over 50 days out of the entire season. He is very methodical when he hunts. I have references on the dog as well as testimonials from people that hunted with him last year. He is housebroke and crate trained. You can leave him out of the crate at night but he will be at the edge of your bed before 6 am staring at you wanting to go outside. He is good with kids and other dogs. He will honour another dog but is use to being the only show in the field. When you feed him you can tell him to sit and whoa, pour his food and he will not eat til you tell him to. He has been hunted on pheasants and quail. The bad, to some people, he is neutered and is not registered.
I will offer a cash in hand trial for 30 days, if he doesnt do exactly as I say I will come get him and give you your money back. Also I know several dog transporters and/or I am willing to drive a couple hours (with a deposit paid) to help with the trip for the right person. I will not let him go to just anyone or to the first person with cash. the price is $3,000.00. if he was intact or papered he would be twice that price. this dog is one of a kind. I have pics available.

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