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Posted by red cedar on 09-27-2003 06:17 PM:

Hey Skinner

Hey, Can you give me the recipe for the BBQ Coon you were talking about on Hobo's post. Also, prep tips. Our church has a wild game feed every year and I want to liven things up a little!!!

Posted by Skinner on 09-27-2003 10:28 PM:


Take a fresh killed coon. After you gut and skin him, wash him off real well. If he has alot of fat, trim all of it you can off but leave alittle. Cut off all four legs and then cut his back in half. Put him in a big pan (big enough that it covers the parts in water). Fill the pan with water till the parts are completly covered. Add about oh say a small handful of salt and stir the water just abit. Put it in the refrige overnight. The next day you will notice the water is bloody. That is the salt water getting the blood out of him. Pour out the water and wash him really, really well. Take the peices and soak them in milk for about 2 hours in the fridge. Do away with the milk.

EITHER: Put him in a pressure cooker. Add water to the correct level and put the top on the cooker. Get the pressure up to the correct level (should have came with the cooker set it like you would a roast) and let it cook for 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Keep an eye on it if the pressure gets to high it will blow the lid off of it and put it in the attic no joke. I like the cooker because it is faster and makes it very tender.

OR: Put the meat in a large pan and fill it with water. Bring the water to a boil and cover it with a lid. Adjust the temp. to where it stays just a steady boil with the lid on. Check it often and add water as needed. I have cooked them this way for about 6 to 8 hrs. Keep an eye on it and you can tell when its done. You want it good and tender.

When the coon is cooked, pull the meat off the bones. Do it just like you are pulling BBQ. Do away with all the fat. Once you get all the meat pulled off ( be sure you don't get any bones in it) take a cake pan (or a pan that has high sides to it) and line it with aluminum(sp) foil. Put enough foil that you can wrap the whole pan. Line the bottom of the pan with foil and put in the pulled meat. Mix whatever you like in with it. Straight BBQ sauce is fine. We usally put in a little chopped green peppers and onions and salt and pepper to taste. Toss it around some to get the sauce all over the meat. Just dont use too much sauce as it kills the taste of the coon meat (you can if you like the sauce taste better its kinda like putting to much ketchup on fries you taste the ketchup more). Wrap it all up and put it in a preheated oven at 300 degree's. Let it stay in the oven for about 20 to 30 minutes, just long enough to cook the flavor of your sauce in. Take it out and have a taste. If you need put it in the oven for about another 5 minutes. Then its ready to eat. One thing it is better to eat it straight out of the oven. Throw away what you don't eat (if any) because it don't taste the same the next day after it's nuked in the microwave.

And whatever you do, DO NOT sit a plate of this on top of your head. Your tounge will slap your brains out trying to get to it!!!

Jody Scott
Frogjump TN
Black Creek Treeing Walkers

If I had feelings, that might would have hurt.

Posted by Tom on 09-27-2003 10:29 PM:

bbq coon.....

I have a recipe for crock pot coon stew if you'd be interested in that red

Posted by Skinner on 09-28-2003 02:38 PM:

I'd like to have it when you get a minute Tom. Thanks.

Jody Scott
Frogjump TN
Black Creek Treeing Walkers

If I had feelings, that might would have hurt.

Posted by Tom on 09-28-2003 04:28 PM:

crook pot coon stew

3-4 lbs. well trimmed coon pieces

8 cups water

3 cups chopped onion

2 cups sliced carrots

2 cups cubed small red taters ( 1 inch pcs.)

2 cups beef broth

1 can ( 15 oz) tomato sauce

4 oz fresh mushrooms ( chopped)

1 cup sliced okra

1 cup sliced summer squash or zucchini

1 cup shredded cabbage

1 cup chopped celery

1/4 cup dry red wine

1 tbl spoon Itailian seasoning

4 bay leaves

1/4 tsp spoon pepper

In a 6 qt dutchoven or stockpot combine coon pcs and water , bring to a boil over high heat , reduce heat to low , cover , simmer for 1 1/2 -2 hrs , or until meat is tender , drain and discard broth , cool meat slightly , remove from bones , discard bones, cut meat into 3/4 inch pcs.

in 4 qt crockpot , combine meat and remaining ingredients, cover,
cook on high for 1 hr . reduce heat to low , cook for 8 hrs , or until veggies are tender and flavors are blended , remove and discard bay leaves before serving ------- ENJOY

If you try this out let me know what it;s like -- not guttsy enough to try it but if it's good I'd like to know

Posted by Skinner on 09-29-2003 03:11 AM:

Thanks I'll let you know soon.

Jody Scott
Frogjump TN
Black Creek Treeing Walkers

If I had feelings, that might would have hurt.

Posted by red cedar on 09-29-2003 11:28 PM:

Thanks Skinner...

Those guys aren't going to know what hit them at that game feed.

Tom, yours looked pretty good too.

One last thing Skinner...How tough can pimpin' really be???LOL!

Posted by Skinner on 09-29-2003 11:42 PM:

With Walkers it ain't too bad. With other ones, well...........

Jody Scott
Frogjump TN
Black Creek Treeing Walkers

If I had feelings, that might would have hurt.

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