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Posted by perry co cooner on 09-22-2010 02:07 PM:

Originally posted by RRbluehound
shoot, shovel, shut up

It's really as simple as this. Not really the way I like to be but when the government won't do the right thing and help protect us, our families and hounds then I'll protect them myself by whatever means necessary.

Al Tarantella

Posted by POP on 09-22-2010 02:13 PM:

Originally posted by The Seeker
Problem is we have about 4000 of them in MN.

then he better get busy..............

Not my president........

Posted by bandithunter on 09-22-2010 02:19 PM:

Sss works, but shoot and release works better. Aim just a little farther back. Peritonitis, or pack mentality, problem solved! I hunt alone a lot and I'm gettin old and my memory ain't what it once was.

Posted by perry co cooner on 09-22-2010 02:39 PM:

Originally posted by bandithunter
Sss works, but shoot and release works better. Aim just a little farther back. Peritonitis, or pack mentality, problem solved! I hunt alone a lot and I'm gettin old and my memory ain't what it once was.
even better!!!!!

Al Tarantella

Posted by on 09-22-2010 03:24 PM:

Originally posted by bandithunter
Sss works, but shoot and release works better. Aim just a little farther back. Peritonitis, or pack mentality, problem solved! I hunt alone a lot and I'm gettin old and my memory ain't what it once was.

Yep. The folks I know up in Wolf country aim for the guts. By chance you find one collared, either throw it in the river, or hook them onto a train car at the rail yards or a semi at the truck stop.

We shouldn't have to resort to these things but we don't have much choice. Getting the MN Deerhunters, Trappers, and dog organizations all on the same page is going to be a huge challenge, but it is what we should be doing.

Posted by barryg35 on 09-22-2010 03:57 PM:

Originally posted by brogy
Yep. The folks I know up in Wolf country aim for the guts. By chance you find one collared, either throw it in the river, or hook them onto a train car at the rail yards or a semi at the truck stop.

We shouldn't have to resort to these things but we don't have much choice. Getting the MN Deerhunters, Trappers, and dog organizations all on the same page is going to be a huge challenge, but it is what we should be doing.

lol i like those ideas about the trains and trucks!

CELL#- 205-337-5086

Posted by barryg35 on 09-22-2010 03:59 PM:

down here we just have those chicken **** yotes. unless they packed up they will run from their own shadow. i have seen a few brave ones but they usually wind up decomposing in the woods.

CELL#- 205-337-5086

Posted by branchvillekell on 09-22-2010 04:16 PM:

just on the site,, i think that is what it was, wow, look at the list from last year to this year on all the hounds killed by wolves. learning alot about them considering they are thinking about introducing them into new york, or already there migrating across canada line. i would never go out without packing up where you guys are. they have a map even for every known attack on hounds. they say this is one of the worst times of year to run a hound in known wolf territory.

Posted by Two Toes on 09-22-2010 04:53 PM:

Now & mating/whelping time. The deer in areas in the north are virtually extinct so what happens? They put more pressure on everything they can & start expanding their range.

Just a matter of time before a hungry pack corners a lone hunter or child playin in the backyard. Since "THEY" claim to own them I'ma figurin if that ever does happen,lord knows I hope it never does, there is gonne be H E L L to pay!!

They where delisted only to be relisted thanks to our phony leader & his commitment to corning votes from libral freaks.

Startin to think "WE" need to take back our land & our rites. Let the sportsman regulate the natural resources that "WE" pay for!

Imagine how things would be if'n it wasn't for the revenue that "WE" are forced to contribute??

"Quality not Quantity & hunt what you breed"~"IF you don't, please don't breed what you "DON'T" hunt" ~"If their not good enough for you they sure as tootin ain't good 'nuff for us" ~

Posted by thendo on 09-22-2010 04:57 PM:

going to have

going to have to do what they do to lions keep the hounds up for awhile and put the preaditor bait out

Posted by Regan H on 09-22-2010 08:54 PM:


the dnr's in your state's can not do anything because of hsus!!
I don't think most of you on this thead don't know about them??
thier the one's you have to fight, the state can't do anything, because of hsus has too much money and lawer's.
learn what your up aginst Google - on the left side in the green is all the info. you need too know about our enemey, check out cb. mag. april on up read Your dog your rights,
also editors notes, learn what the humane society of the united states has instore for you.

Regans Blackland Black&Tans

Posted by willseeyalater on 09-22-2010 09:50 PM:

You guys need to watch out, the state DNR may start putting out life like looking wolf decoys to document anyone shooting at one. They do it already with deer. Sure could cost you a lot. I am in total agreement that you need to be ready to protect what's your, including your own and life of anyone one with you. Living down near the cities here I am waiting for the day when they start showing up here regularly.

Posted by wildbill on 09-23-2010 05:19 AM:

Originally posted by Two Toes
If you think your gonna run wolves with dogs you best have a huge pack & a large supply of body bags. MOST don't live where you can hop around a lil section & hope to get a crack at them zippin across an open feild.

I know coyotes have crossed with dog's,(coydogs) but not sure bout crossin wolves? Not sayin they couldn't but I know we harvested some huge coydogs in my runnin walker & trigg runnin days.Wolves treat coyotes like coyotes treat red fox.

Would be fun to run'um with dogs though thats for sure!

wolves have been crossed on purpose with dogs as far back as 1980 that i know of..
in 1982 i met a guard at one of the factorys i picked up trash at that raised the wolf hybred,,they crossed them with german shepards ,huskies and malumutes,,he said his stud dog was 95%wolf and one of his dumb neighbors let 2 of his dobies in the guards fenced in yard,,
one didnt make it and the other was able to get out the fence and get away but wasn't likely to live from the damages...

the dumby tryed to sue him,lol,,how stupid can a person be?
sic your dogs on a mans wolf in its own yard and get them killed and then try to sue the owner of the wolf..

being the gov. whoever reintroduced them to the wild ,then they should be held responsable for the damages they cause,being they are not inside a fenced in preserve...


Posted by C.Stoppelman on 09-23-2010 05:33 AM:

we need change

I think the point alot of us are trying to make is yes we are upset about and would like to see wolfs shot but we can't do anything about it....even the DNR couldn't do anything about it because...just what really gets me is they care more about livestock(cow,horses,goat,sheep,pigs,duck,sect) then someones are we going to take kids hunting and get them into the sport if we are scared to even cut a hound loose? I'm not saying we need to kill them all but when the state says we only need 1200-1600 and theres 3,000+ and more and more problems every year one has to wonder when will it be enough??? there's already been reports of wolfs stalking people in the woods and worse kids when they get off the school buses...I mean do lawmakers really want to sit around and wait till something like that happens? I think the time for change is WAY over due and something NEDD to be done NOW!!!!!! before it's to late and a human gets hurt


Posted by Jim Hill on 09-23-2010 05:38 AM:

Re: we need change

Originally posted by C.Stoppelman
I think the point alot of us are trying to make is yes we are upset about and would like to see wolfs shot but we can't do anything about it....even the DNR couldn't do anything about it because...just what really gets me is they care more about livestock(cow,horses,goat,sheep,pigs,duck,sect) then someones are we going to take kids hunting and get them into the sport if we are scared to even cut a hound loose? I'm not saying we need to kill them all but when the state says we only need 1200-1600 and theres 3,000+ and more and more problems every year one has to wonder when will it be enough??? there's already been reports of wolfs stalking people in the woods and worse kids when they get off the school buses...I mean do lawmakers really want to sit around and wait till something like that happens? I think the time for change is WAY over due and something NEDD to be done NOW!!!!!! before it's to late and a human gets hurt
lets do something im with ya any help i can be let me know

If You Cant Stand Behide Our Troops ,Then Try Standing In Front Of Them
Jim Hill 651-775-1783

Been following these walker dogs since 1983,and love every min of it !!!!

Use SunSpot Lights, so bright its like the sun came out at night !!!

Posted by l.lyle on 09-23-2010 06:28 AM:

I'm from the backest country in the whole southeast, I was interestested in commmunity planning and all types of govermental planning, number one because I was squeamish when it came to cutting the nutrs out of calfs and #2 I could put and answer on paper that satisfied everybody grading the paper and ge grants and scholarships. Now listen, I can understand the kid from his high rise appartment on fifth avenue who took an interest in those things rural. All the stuff we been talking about, he has learned to say what he is expected to say same as me.

So for you that praise the DNR for some sense, We are now the ones that used to occupy the back cubicles. We have now moved to the front.

For those of you who still believe the American Dream is a Duplex on a quarter acre, I say No. The dream is a 100 story highrise with a Commons area so kids that cannot therefore afford internet will have it supplied to watch ETV and Whale Wars and fly around like old Superman but replaced by Captain Planet and all, everyone, pat thereselve on the back because good guys and bad guys and Cowboys and Indians was just a figment of imagination. We will continue to grow and multiply and there is nothing you can do about it. Ya'll backwards morons needs to get with the current programs and put the right checkmark in the right box.

Posted by nutman on 09-23-2010 10:01 AM:

Re: Wolfs Kill Hound Durring U.k.c Hunt In Mn!!

[QUOTE]Originally posted by C.Stoppelman
[B]on Sat Aug 18th durring a U.K.C hunt my hound was killed by two FEDERALY PROTECTED WOLFS and then we was being stalked by them and just lucky we wasn't attacked and we all know you can't carry a gun durring a U.K.C or get barred but I have to ask where do we draw the line??? is a gun at lest in the truck ok??? and as far as what the DNR and feds said is that because this was the first attack and there hasn't been a problem befor that they aren't even sending out trapers or shooters to take care of them!!! so does this mean they're just going to keep looking away till to many get killed or what will it take??? a human? a child? I mean we are all so scared now that none of us wanta cut a hound loose and we surely can't take kids...which are the future of this sport....SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE!!!!!! just I have no idea where to start (but have a few people helping).

Any idea how far the hounds were from the cast when this happened ???

Posted by C.Stoppelman on 09-23-2010 02:10 PM:


we figure ..never gpsed it so don't know 100% but that's a great idea (sorry must've had way to much on mind) arount a mile to mile and a half...we heard a fight (was across a swamp) and thought the hounds had just caught a coon on ground (the other dog in the cast had done that quite a few times before) cause there was no hawling or anything to make it sound like it was a wolf attack...a few of us are working a a story write up that we are going to be sending out to differant groups because there's a few newspapers around that wanta do a story about this to rasie awareness and also UKC is going to do a story on this and have it in bloodlines....thanks UKC for the saport and help in standing behind me durring all this


Posted by branchvillekell on 09-23-2010 03:47 PM:

i am sorry for your loss chris and everyone else that has lost a dog for any reason. human encroachment is a big problem. i have been thinkin on this. where there is people, whether huntin or not, there are animals. had a coyote in the city probably eatin rats and feral cats. shot and killed. black bear mauls man cause man didnt want it eating his garbage, black bear killed. grizzly attacks a person, killed. sometimes we have to think about human encroachment and human interference. we as human beings have taken over the land to do with what we want. i am not an activist. sometimes you have to approach things with logic and not hysteria. packin a gun would not have saved your dog. you said you were a mile off. that pack can travel up to 200 miles. and the wolf thinks its there territory. just like if a stray dog wanders into your yard, my dogs would kick its butt because it is their yard. i do not know the answer to this problem but education and logic will go alot farther than hysteria and a lynch mob. if it was my dog, i would be just as angry. maybe a limited lottery like tag on wolves would be the answer. not just open season. and for the fellow that said people are interbreeding wolves and canines, it is a proven fact that every canine on the planet is a derivitive of the wolf. human interference is a problem though. reintroducing more and more species that have existed in the us for centuries is definately not the answer.

Posted by perry co cooner on 09-23-2010 04:16 PM:

Originally posted by branchvillekell
i am sorry for your loss chris and everyone else that has lost a dog for any reason. human encroachment is a big problem. i have been thinkin on this. where there is people, whether huntin or not, there are animals. had a coyote in the city probably eatin rats and feral cats. shot and killed. black bear mauls man cause man didnt want it eating his garbage, black bear killed. grizzly attacks a person, killed. sometimes we have to think about human encroachment and human interference. we as human beings have taken over the land to do with what we want. i am not an activist. sometimes you have to approach things with logic and not hysteria. packin a gun would not have saved your dog. you said you were a mile off. that pack can travel up to 200 miles. and the wolf thinks its there territory. just like if a stray dog wanders into your yard, my dogs would kick its butt because it is their yard. i do not know the answer to this problem but education and logic will go alot farther than hysteria and a lynch mob. if it was my dog, i would be just as angry. maybe a limited lottery like tag on wolves would be the answer. not just open season. and for the fellow that said people are interbreeding wolves and canines, it is a proven fact that every canine on the planet is a derivitive of the wolf. human interference is a problem though. reintroducing more and more species that have existed in the us for centuries is definately not the answer.
Oh boy here we go.

Al Tarantella

Posted by carlbettyblack on 09-23-2010 04:25 PM:


wolves have there place, eating my dogs aint one of them.

Posted by branchvillekell on 09-23-2010 04:59 PM:

I REPEAT, I AM NOT AN ACTIVIST FOR ANYTHING BUT COONHOUNDS AND HUNTING. everyone can tell the wolves next time you are just there to hunt bears or coons. i am sure they will understand and let you pass.

Posted by mncoonhuntngrl on 09-23-2010 07:42 PM:

This post was put on here ti raise awairness not cause trouble. These wolves are not your normal volves. They had no fear a true wild animal has fear of humans and thes animals had no fear. All we are asking for is the ability to renstate that fear. NOT KILL ALL WOLVES just to be able to make them have naturle frear.

Posted by rmcmillan on 09-23-2010 08:50 PM:


Home of;

Nt.Ch. Gr.Ch. Gr.WCh. Pr. McMillans Blue Crystal
Ntch. GrCh. Pr. McMillans Blue Magic
Gr.Nt.Ch. Pr. McMillans Blue Hawk
Nt. Ch. Pr. McMillans Blue Rage
all are gone now but will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN


Posted by perry co cooner on 09-23-2010 08:53 PM:

Originally posted by branchvillekell
I REPEAT, I AM NOT AN ACTIVIST FOR ANYTHING BUT COONHOUNDS AND HUNTING. everyone can tell the wolves next time you are just there to hunt bears or coons. i am sure they will understand and let you pass.
Whether you're a hunter or an activist your comments on here sound ummm suspicious at best. Where is Branchville? Maybe I'll come up for a hunt some night.

Al Tarantella

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