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Posted by Sons bear hound on 07-18-2019 07:44 PM:

Coming to a close hopefully

It’s been almost a year ago to the day. Me and my son had contacted a guy from Maine about bear hounds that he had listed on here for sale. By no way shape or form do I blame any of this on the ukc forum at all ! Any how , talked to him several different times had very long drawn out conversations with him, and lots of videos of said bear dogs. Contract was wrote up and signed money was sent from us to him for the purchase price of said hound . All this to come to find out after the money was sent that there never was a dog to be purchased and he’d done this to several others also.
I’ve said all this to be let everyone know that today he was prosecuted , charged with 2 different felony charges and will have to repay me and another gentleman that he’d scammed also . I’d kept all the text messages between me and him and it took awhile for me to get all the proper paper work done and together but it’s all worth it . Also with this all being said while the investigation was going on by the Maine state trooper it was found out that he’d killed a black bear illegally and has also been charged with that too.
So if any one gets took on buying something don’t give up just keep pushing and hopefully make that sucker pay. While all this was going on I found out he’s done this to several others and they just never followed up and left it at that.

Posted by Hitman79 on 07-20-2019 05:10 PM:

Thanks for seeing it to the end..... I wish it would end up like that more often. Good for you.

Posted by bearhunt83 on 07-20-2019 08:59 PM:

Glad you got your money back.. But hopefully you learned that next time to by the dog under the tree before sending a stranger money

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