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Posted by Gmccall on 11-25-2018 07:43 PM:

Deacon starting to get a lot of attention, people realize what he can do for their breeding program. Give Pete a call Deacon won't last forever

Posted by Gmccall on 12-04-2018 12:28 AM:

New pups on the ground, more on the way in a couple of weeks. Give Pete a call

Posted by Gmccall on 12-06-2018 03:50 AM:


Posted by Disco inferno on 12-06-2018 06:15 PM:

You won't go wrong with Deacon. I am very pleased with my hound Deacon's Preacher. I will show him any night you care to go. I know Pete is fixing to have pups off Deacon and Cry. Deacon speaks for himself, but I have hunted many nights with Cry and I am flat out telling you she is a coondog!!!!! If these two don't produce some great ones, well we all should just throw in the towel and quit. Call Pete and ask about this cross.

Joe Watson
Greenwood SC

Posted by Wdem on 12-06-2018 07:58 PM:

What's cry's pedigree look like?

Posted by Gmccall on 12-07-2018 02:13 AM:

Cry's ped. Top is Nathan Edds white oak blaster out of merchants tree blaster and white oak zip ll. Right behind that is Champ, shaw's Judy, Sackett JR and white oak Zip. The bottom side is YR Cracker out of YR Tree Bear and YR Dixie Chick. Right behind that is YR Porky, Williams Precious,Chico ll,and YR Bunnie. Cry is yadkin River top to bottom

Posted by Gmccall on 12-11-2018 12:27 AM:

Another litter here in less than a week. Deacon is doing his part but he still needs those good females . Give Pete a call

Posted by Tonyburgamy on 12-13-2018 02:49 AM:

You can’t go wrong with a Deacon pup if you put him r her in the Woods!!!

Posted by Gmccall on 12-15-2018 08:18 AM:

Yadkin River

More and more people are asking about Deacon and his pups, he sires good size litters, his pups seem to naturals they are always looking for something plus they like to tree. That seems to me to be a pretty good combination. Give Pete a call.

Posted by Gmccall on 12-18-2018 08:40 PM:

Deacon has new pups on the ground right now, need to bring those COONDOG females to see Deacon , let him help put the nose back in your pups ! Give Pete a call ole Deacon won't last forever

Posted by Gmccall on 12-23-2018 02:35 AM:

Deacon and Cry puppies

The response has been unbelievable. Thanks to everyone that has called, stay in contact with Pete he will be making this cross again in the spring. Try to spread them around as much as possible. THANKS AGAIN!!!

Posted by Gmccall on 12-25-2018 05:06 PM:

Merry Chirstmas to everyone , thanks for all the support of ole Deacon, I'm getting a lot of calls and I don't mind fact is I like talking dogs and hunting. Need to call Pete about breeding and pups

Posted by Gmccall on 12-31-2018 05:04 AM:

Pete just booked a couple more females. People are really starting to pay attention to ole Deacon, bring those good females I believe you won't be disappointed.

Posted by Gmccall on 01-04-2019 03:52 AM:

If you want to know anything about Deacon or any of his pups call Pete or me be glad to talk to you a lot of people have hunted with this ole dog nothing to hide here

Posted by Gmccall on 01-05-2019 09:21 AM:

Deacon and Cry puppies

Got my first look today, 3 weeks old can't wait to see what they make. I know Jim Meeks and and the rest of the guys getting them are excited ! Can't hardly wait for the next litter. Had a good visit with Pete today met some old time Coonhunters while down there. Deacon has several females due to visit soon, give Pete a call Deacon pups don't last long.

Posted by Disco inferno on 01-08-2019 02:05 PM:

Ole Deacon is hard to beat. Goes hunting hard and can take tracks as they come. If you are tired of trees with no coons, give Deacon a chance to enhance tracking ability in your pups.

Joe Watson
Greenwood SC

Posted by Gmccall on 01-11-2019 12:16 PM:

Deacon's pups are showing up all over, the ones that get turned loose to run around are looking for something to get after, real gamey. They are starting early most seem to be good track dogs that like to tree with the meat. Give Pete a call.

Posted by Gmccall on 01-14-2019 08:31 AM:

Good reports coming in on Deacon's pups most are starting between 5 and 7 months and becoming consistent by a year old.

Posted by Gmccall on 01-17-2019 01:03 PM:

Deacon puppies

Talked with Pete the other day he said people have been calling almost every day about pups. I know that's right because people have been calling me. Pete can't keep enough pups to fill everyone's request, so you need to get on the list for spring pups. What's even better is to book your good female to Deacon I promise you can sell every pup. Give Pete a call

Posted by Gmccall on 01-23-2019 11:52 AM:

Big mouth ,big Hunter , super track dog that reproduces give Pete a call

Posted by Gmccall on 01-26-2019 10:24 AM:

Deacon and Cry puppies

Six weeks old picked mine yesterday, can't hardly wait to get started fooling with it. Pete is planning on making this cross again in spring. Coondog to coondog I like the odds,

Posted by Gmccall on 01-30-2019 12:23 PM:

Deacon is a coondog, that has reproduced coondogs, he's from a litter of coondogs, that's from a family of coondogs. Let Deacon put the track back in your pups give Pete a call

Posted by Gmccall on 02-08-2019 11:26 AM:

Yadkin River Dogs

Everything that could be said about Deacon in the woods and in the stud pen has been said. Give Pete a call, there are a lot of us that believe I in this old dog!

Posted by Gmccall on 02-12-2019 12:44 PM:

Deacon pups

Hunted with dog out of Deacon last Friday cut him six times one hollow and five singles looked like his ole daddy, people are calling wanting to breed to Deacon a second time, they must have liked the first cross

Posted by Skeeter on 02-15-2019 07:21 PM:

Deacon seems to be doing his part. Plus you will not find anybody better to deal with than Mr Pete. I have a nice young pup out of deacon that is the best acting and smartest pup that I have had in a while.

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